2015-16 Revolution Love
The African American experience reveals unique insight into the triumphs and tribulations of humankind. At the core of black identity we find remarkable resilience and an unwavering commitment to social justice. We stand on the shoulders of giants — a proud legacy of millions who fought to survive and who kept the flame alive for the next generation. Some names we know and celebrate every year, others go unrecognized by the history books but are remembered and honored in the drumming of our hearts. Change does not happen overnight, or even in the life cycle of one generation. Progress is made in fits and starts but only through collective action do we see real advancement.
This season Penumbra offers you the opportunity to get involved. Hear from the very people who founded movements that shaped history, talk with local leaders, and meet others like yourself who love theatre and believe deeply in justice. At Penumbra, transformative art illuminates ways to move humanity forward with compassion – join us as we move from empathy to action, from emotion to solution. Ours is a brave, honest, intelligent, responsible, and hopeful community and there is a place for you here. Welcome.