Fundamentals of Psychological Safety

2 hours

Penumbra Theatre
270 N. Kent St
St. Paul, MN 55102
Map & Directions


Grounded in a healing-centered container, the equity workshop on psychological safety discusses the difference between safety and comfort in the workplace. Monologues and other artistic elements will be used in the session. The session covers definitions, provides examples, and demonstrates practical application of the concepts presented. During the workshop, participants have the opportunity to engage in small-group and large-group dialogue.

Participants walk away from the session with the following:

  1. Understanding the impact of psychological safety on team dynamics, employee well-being, and organizational performance.
  2. Identifying and addressing behaviors that undermine psychological safety, such as bullying, microaggressions, and exclusion.
  3. Learning how to build trust and mutual respect in the workplace through authenticity, transparency, communication, and mutual respect.
  4. Applying concepts from the session to personal and/or workplace practice and culture.

Penumbra is proud to be a leader in the space of equity education for over 20 years and is continuing to evolve. Please join us in our evolution.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact

Single and Subscriptions Tickets

Single tickets and subscriptions are now on sale to the public. Purchase online by reserving your ticket below or by calling 651.224.3180 (M-F, 10am-4:30pm) For information about our subscription packages, click here.


Friday, October 20, 2023 // 10:00AM